
Literature Search and CP Target Paper selection

Dr. Gordon Wright

Today’s activities

  1. Complete the Pulse (2 topics - 5 mins Max)
  2. Consider how to approach the Critical Proposal to best effect
  3. Start identifying candidate papers
    1. Use the tools suggested below (or share others!)

    2. Show it to LTs and/or Gordon - get specific!

Literature searching

Library resources

Pay particular attention to forward and backwards search in the library

Interlibrary loan

If you can’t get access to a paper that you think is crucial, consider an interlibrary loan.

But there is no reason access to a single paper ought to slow you down.

I’ve already mentioned

Zotero for managing your reading and creating references in APA7 format

Good intro tutorial (13 mins - could save hours!)

Upgrade your Google Scholar

If you have a google account and go to Google Scholar settings

ta da!

if available via the library you will see Findit@Gold

Semantic Scholar (free google type database)

Give these ai tools a shot (free versions can be limited)

Connected papers

Research Rabbit

Also Citation Gecko, Litmaps

They all help you look at connections between published papers based on topics and citations

Connected papers

Research Rabbit

Also consider

Joining Researchgate .. you are a researcher now too! You can often find grey literature here

Or following researchers on Twitter. Lots of good lists of Psych Researchers An AI summariser

My Favourite An AI informed literature review tool

And have a look back at the Week 1 Extras

Give BrowZine a shot. It’s how I review recent new publications on the bus!

Have fun!